beautify ronald mcdonALD house®
Rendering Courtesy of Farnsworth Group, Inc.
In late 2018 a partnership between Keep Peoria Beautiful and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois® was formally announced.
Keep Peoria Beautiful has been involved in the pre-development of the building’s landscaping and will see the project thru with the installation of all the landscaping materials in the Spring of 2020.
We have partnered with community members and businesses to provide landscaping, installation, and short-term maintenance of the entire property at no cost to Ronald McDonald House Charities - all thru donations from our project partners. We understand the importance of community beautification, not only as it relates to the well-being of people, but the positive impact this beautification project will have on the surrounding neighborhood.
Rendering Courtesy of Farnsworth Group, Inc.
Project partners:
Stuber Land Design
Stone Leaf Nursery
Hoerr Nursery
Farnsworth Group, Inc.